PFG Summary

PFG Summary


During the past few decades, U.S. & Worldwide senior money has amassed great wealth. Excess investment wealth is very aware that the world is smaller, advancing dramatically and that in the last few years, the U.S. and global economy, has come on to a greater call for economic growth, wealth development, opportunity and investment.

Over the last 40 Years an accumulation of individual fund providers, providing a minimum of 60 Million U.S. Dollars to upwards of USD$5 Billion U.S. Dollars, have been gathered under one umbrella as a consulting resource of major wealth; Corporations, Individuals, Etc.. as a pool as available business lenders funds.

The developed representation entity consults these fund providers, identifies projects or investment transactions (transaction) and selectively invite those fund providers on an individual or group basis; based on the criteria of the borrower or investment needs.

Invitation to each select or various fund provider(s) for the specific fund requirement, is contacted and invited to participate in the identified transaction. Each transaction must have a minimum fund providing requirement of USD$60 Million U.S. Dollars with little ceiling, running into the tens of Billions of Dollars.


All types of qualified business transactions are entertained.
Private, Investors, Government or Developers.


Business growth expansions, Oil, Power & Energy, Refineries, Transportation, Major Hospitality, Resorts, High Tech, Infrastructure Roads, Dams, Bridges, Manufacturing, Distribution, Airlines, Development Projects, companies and others. Anything that has legal proven credible income production or guarantees.


Borowers or investments must be existing businesses or entities with proven acceptable income or guarantees showing ability to service mutually agreed funding terms. Government transactions, provide qualified guarantees.
Foreign based companies must be friendly to the U.S.

Basic Process:
From: Parkside Financial Group / PFG

P.J Patel
Executive Vice President
Parkside Financial Group.

Parkside Finacial Group
1180 W. Ball Rd, Anaheim, California 92812 USA
Kemp House, 160 City Rd, London EC1V 2NX England, United Kingdom
Tel: +1 714 337 2659